Update on COVID-19 Case at the Dorothy Menzies Child Care Center

Belmopan. August 31, 2020. 5:10 p.m.

The Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation and Poverty Alleviation hereby provides an update on the COVID-19 case at the Dorothy Menzies Child Care Center (DMCCC).

The resident of the DMCCC whose COVID-19 test yielded a positive result has completed the second test and the result is negative. The child is doing well physically and is engaged in counselling.  The Ministry of Health has advised that the contact tracing result is inconclusive.

The remaining 21 residents of the DMCCC were swabbed by the Ministry of Health and the results were negative for COVID-19.  The psychological health of the other children in the facility is also being monitored by counselors from the Belize City Community Counseling Center.

Ten members of the DMCCC staff were also swabbed by the Ministry of Health and their results were negative.  The selection of the staff to be swabbed was determined by the Ministry of Health.

The Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation and Poverty Alleviation thanks those individuals who responded at short notice to cover the shifts of the staff who were in quarantine and awaiting their test results. The Ministry is appreciative of the entire staff of the DMCCC who worked tirelessly to care for the children. Even with all the uncertainties and fears that COVID-19 presents, the staff continues to be responsive and vigilant in the execution of their duties to ensure the safety, well-being, and protection of the children.

The Ministry reminds the media and the public to be considerate and respect the privacy of the children placed at the DMCCC to minimize any further traumatic effects on them.
