Reopening of the Corozal Free Zone

Belmopan. January 14, 2021. 5:50 p.m. 

The Corozal Free Zone (CFZ) is scheduled to reopen on February 1, 2021. The date was set after Cabinet discussed the matter and appointed an inter-ministerial committee to review plans and protocols for the reopening.

The CEO of the CFZ, Neri Ramirez, has advised business owners and investors in the Free Zone of the date so preparations can be made. Businesses must ensure that they have adequate facilities to safeguard health and are properly prepared to follow all public health protocols. Readiness preparations also include hiring 15 compliance officers to monitor businesses and visitors to the Free Zone and the acquisition of equipment by the CFZ to ensure that sanitizing and health safety monitoring are done properly.

Equipment will include a walk-in tunnel and temperature monitor at the entrance of the Free Zone. Rapid tests will also be available to be administered to anyone showing signs or symptoms of COVID-19. The compliance officers are being trained to use the equipment as well as in monitoring and enforcing the protocols by personnel from the Ministry of Health and Wellness. OIRSA personnel will disinfect all vehicles before being allowed entrance to the Free Zone.

It is important to note that the CFZ is being opened only to Mexican nationals and that businesses will only be allowed 1/3 of their normal staff complement when they open. The Ministries of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise; Tourism and Diaspora Relations; Health and Wellness; and Home Affairs and New Growth Industries are collaborating on the protocols and measures in connection with the opening. The cost of the reopening is being covered by the CFZ businesses.
