Notice to Bus Operators

Belmopan. August 6, 2021. 3:00 p.m. 

The Department of Transport reminds all public transport operators that, in accordance with Statutory Instrument 74 of 2021, drivers and conductors are classified as frontline workers.

The department further reminds that every frontline worker who is not vaccinated against COVID-19 by August 1, 2021, is required to present a negative rapid test or PCR test every two weeks when reporting to work. Any frontline worker who fails to comply with the aforementioned regulation will be deemed absent from work and subject to disciplinary proceedings, inclusive of the possible suspension of permits.

The department will be increasing its surveillance at bus terminals and checkpoints countrywide to ensure that the public health regulations in place are being adhered to. All public transport operators are requested to have their vaccination cards or negative test results on hand at all times.

The Department of Transport thanks public transport operators who have already been immunized and encourages those who have not yet done so to get vaccinated at the earliest opportunity.
