National Oversight Committee Thanks All for Successful Reopening of PGIA

Belmopan. October 5, 2020. 2:30 p.m. 

The National Oversight Committee (NOC) thanks all who worked diligently to ensure the successful reopening of the Philip Goldson International Airport (PGIA) on Thursday, October 1, 2020. The NOC especially recognizes the efforts of the staff of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation, the Belize Tourism Board, the Customs and Immigration departments, the Belize Airport Concession Company and the National Task Force in accomplishing this herculean task.

The reopening of the PGIA marks the third phase of Belize’s reopening strategy. Along with nationals, permanent residents and tourists are now able to re-enter Belize via the Airport.

Since Thursday, 712 persons have entered the country.
