Belmopan. April 4, 2020. 5:00 p.m.
The Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow has approved three National Days of Prayer & Fasting, from Good Friday, April 10th to Easter Sunday, April 12th, 2020. Throughout the nation, the Council of Churches will celebrate the three days with combined times for prayer, repentance, worship, and celebration.
For over 72 hours, clergy will lead the nation in prayer from televised and streamed services from Friday, 6:00 a.m. to Sunday, 6:00 p.m. Many other clergy will, in faith, join in virtual prayer groups across the nation.
Details per the Council of Churches are provided below:
The major themes of the intercessions for the nation will be Repentance (Day one) Redemption (Day two) and Resurrection (Day three). The overarching prayer over these days of prayer is for a national awakening, for revival and transformation for our nation and for great multitudes to experience security in relationship with Christ.
As a part of their own support to the nation in prayer, pastors are asked to incorporate the themes of the National Days of Prayer and Fasting as they meet on varied platforms during this time. The nation is encouraged to make a commitment to pray as an individual, prayer group, family, and/or congregation using the link which will be circulated.
While the nation will be in continuous prayer, all will be called together to pray at scheduled times. The participation of citizens in this event is paramount. Kindly contact any of the persons listed below to secure an opportunity to participate in the online or televised prayer services and/or to lead a virtual prayer group in your community. A schedule detailing the times of televised and streamed prayer services, along with prayer points and scripture for each day, will be made public by Wednesday, April 8th.
Further guidance for this event can be provided by representatives of the Belize Council of Churches. For details, contact:
Bishop Phillip Wright – 610-2150 Senator Ashley Rocke – 6151681
Major Jonathan Kellman – 610-5926 Rev’d Elswith Clare – 610-0047
Rev’d Ernest Betson – 671-2223 Rev’d Andella Moore – 615-5808
Bro. Fred Shyu – 610-2684