Ministry of Health & Wellness Reminds Public of Over-the-Counter Medications for General Sales

Belmopan. March 21, 2022.

The Ministry of Health & Wellness reminds the public of the List of Over-the-Counter Medications for General Sales published in 2020 (please reference list). This list contains medications safe enough to be used by the consumer as indicated on the label without a prescription or technical advice from a health professional.

Only medications found on the list may be sold in any establishment that does not possess a valid facility license from the Ministry of Health & Wellness. These may include, but are not limited to, supermarkets, grocery stores, gas stations, etc.

Additionally, establishment owners are reminded that drug inspectors are authorized to enter and inspect any place where drugs are manufactured, produced, prepared, preserved, packaged, stored, or sold. They are also authorized to seize any drugs that are unauthorized.

The Ministry of Health & Wellness urges all consumers only to take prescription medications when prescribed by a registered medical practitioner and dispensed by a licensed pharmacist from a licensed pharmacy.
