Christian Workers Union and Port of Belize Limited Sign CBA

Belmopan. October 7, 2021. 1:40 p.m. 

On October 6, 2021, the Christian Workers Union (CWU) and the Port of Belize Limited (PBL) signed a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for the staff at PBL.

This 2021 CBA immediately replaces the last agreement signed in 2002 and sets the stage for a mutually beneficial relationship under the same commendable leadership displayed during the negotiations by the lead negotiators Mr. Evan Mose Hyde, President, Christian Workers Union; and Mr. Andy Lane, Chief Executive Officer, Port of Belize Limited. Ms. Anne Marie Thompson, Labour Commissioner, and Ms. Claire Lamb, Senior Labour Officer, facilitated and guided the entire process with invaluable contributions from members of both parties.

Hon. Oscar Requena, Minister of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government, congratulated the PBL and CWU for achieving this successful and positive accomplishment. Minister Requena stated, “The hard work, commitment, strong spirit of collaboration and compromise in completing the agreement in less than three months is highly commendable.”

The teamwork displayed among the Port of Belize Limited and the Christian Workers Union under the guidance of the Labour Department resulted in the historic signing of this new collective bargaining agreement and ensures the continued protection of the rights of both the employees and the employer.

The Labour Department will now engage the CWU and the PBL to pursue a resolution of all outstanding matters that have been raised on behalf of the stevedores. As always, the Government of Belize will continue to pursue tripartism and work closely with industry stakeholders to promote national economic recovery and growth.
