Cabinet Brief

Belmopan, 13th July 2023.

The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met on 12th July 2023.

  • Cabinet considered and approved the enactment of legislation to improve traffic safety and traffic law enforcement aimed at reducing the number of traffic incidents and fatalities on Belize’s major roads and highways. To this end, the legislation will strengthen regulations to require drivers and front seat passengers to wear seatbelts and introduce legislation to ban the use of electronic devices while driving and allow the use of speed-measuring devices.


  • Cabinet gave its approval for the Central Bank of Belize to print new currency notes and instructed that the new notes bear the image of Belize’s National Heroes ─ Rt. Hon. George Price and Hon. Philip Goldson.


  • To expand market surveillance to ensure compliance with price regulations, Cabinet requested that the Attorney General prepares regulations to allow for the issuance of tickets and to authorise the Controller of Supplies to issue tickets for those in violation of these regulations.


  • The Prime Minister received a copy of the proposals for redistricting from the Elections and Boundaries Commission. After a review of the report, Cabinet discussed the matter and expressed serious concerns about the recommendations made by the Commission. The report will be tabled in the National Assembly for debate.


  • Having been apprised of the recent decision of the Heads of Government of CARICOM on the free movement of CARICOM nationals and aware of the numerous benefits that it would contribute to the overall development of the region, including Belize, Cabinet gave its approval for Belize to support the full free movement of CARICOM nationals by 2024 with a list of exceptions to be developed by the ministries of Foreign Trade and Labour.


  • Cabinet was apprised of the National Nutrition Policy and approved the measures therein that are geared to improving the nutritional status of Belizeans.


  • Finally, Cabinet reminds Belizeans that it is the hurricane season and as such should be prepared and remain alert.

