Cabinet Brief

Belmopan, 13th October 2022. 4:00 p.m.

The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 11th October 2022.

  • The Minister of Agriculture notified Cabinet that the quick response by government and poultry producers to address the outbreak of the avian flu in Belize was successful. All tests conducted by Belize Agricultural Health Authority show Belize is completely free of the avian influenza virus.  As such, quarantine measures have been discontinued.
  • Cabinet received a preliminary damage report from the Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management on the flooding resulting from the heavy rains caused by Hurricane Julia and has requested that a damage assessment and needs analysis be conducted. In addition, Cabinet approved initial monies from the Contingency Fund to provide assistance to those most affected by the flooding.
  • Cabinet approved the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Belize and Variodin AG, a technology company based in Germany. The MOU will set the conditions for capitalizing on and mitigating the growing threat of sargassum to the region’s critical tourism industry by using it to produce energy.
  • Cabinet approved the signing of an agreement for the establishment of a Belize country office by the Central American Bank for Economic Development (CABEI).
  • Cabinet approved just over BZ$677,000 in additional funding for the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour & Local Government. The funds will be used to acquire a new well rig and support vehicle to provide access to water for 22 rural communities that currently do not have a water system and allow for effective maintenance to the 108 communities that currently depend on rural water systems. The total cost of the rig and support vehicle is BZ$2.1 million of which BZ$1.5 million is a grant from the Republic of China (Taiwan).
  • Cabinet gave its approval for Belize to accede to the United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts. This will complete and update existing legislation as well as provide a strategic advantage to the country when promoting e-commerce and information technology-related services.
  • The Prime Minister informed Cabinet that after accepting to serve as the Chairperson of the Public Service Commission, Mr. Cresencio Sosa, Sr. requested that his name be withdrawn from the post due to illness. The Cabinet shares best wishes to Mr. Sosa for a full recovery.
  • Finally, Cabinet gave its recommendation on a number of legislative amendments and laws which will be presented at the Sitting of the House of Representatives on Monday, 17th October 2022.
