Belize Welcomes Xavier Canton-Lamousse of the European Union

Belmopan. October 22, 2021. 4:15 p.m. 

On behalf of the Government of Belize, Dr. Osmond Martinez, CEO in the Ministry of Economic Development, extended a warm welcome to Mr. Xavier Canton-Lamousse, team leader/project manager of the European Union Technical Support office to Belize, which is a sub-office of the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Jamaica, Belize, the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands and Turks and Caicos Islands, based in Kingston, Jamaica.

Dr. Martinez says he “looks forward to strengthen and deepen relations with respect to mutual interest for both the Government of Belize and European Union.” He also extends his appreciation to Ambassador Malgorzata Wasilewska and Mr. Nicolaus Hansmann, former team leader/project manager posted to Belize.

Mr. Canton- Lamousse stated, “I am very happy to take up my duties here in Belize, which is a fascinating country. I am eager to pursue the effective implementation of our EU cooperation programmes and I will do my best to take the Belize-EU partnership forward.”

Also present were Mr. Mirco Schröder, programme officer based in Belize, and Ms. Kathrine Mendez, director, Ministry of Economic Development.

Her Excellency Marianne Van Steen was accredited as EU Ambassador to Belize in December 2020 and Mr. Aniceto Rodríguez Ruiz assumed responsibility as Head of Cooperation in September 2021. Both officials are based in Jamaica and have visited Belize. They are committed to strengthening the ties between the EU and the Government of Belize.

The Belize-EU partnership is of strategic importance as the EU is Belize’s largest grant donor. The current focus areas of Belize-EU cooperation are health, energy and public finance management.

Dr. Martinez, on behalf of the Government of Belize, is the focal point for Belize-EU cooperation.
