Belize Participates Meeting on Global Conventional Ammunition Management Framework in Peru

Belize Participates Meeting on Global Conventional Ammunition Management Framework in Peru
Belmopan, May 29, 2024.
Ms. Sharole Carr, Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries, attended the “Informal Meeting on the Global Framework for Through-life Conventional Ammunition Management in Latin America and the Caribbean” in Lima, Peru, from May 20 to 22. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the implementation of the Global Framework, which is designed to improve the management and security of conventional ammunition across the region.
The Global Framework for Through-life Conventional Ammunition Management (A/78/111) consists of political commitments adopted by the United Nations to address gaps in conventional ammunition management. This framework consists of 15 objectives and various measures to promote the safety, security, and sustainability of ammunition throughout its lifecycle. The annex of the framework provides a rationale for each objective to emphasize its importance. One key objective is to utilize, promote, and enhance relevant international standards, guidelines, and best practices for safe, secure, and sustainable ammunition management.
During the sessions, CEO Carr reported on several initiatives undertaken by Belize that align with the Global Framework’s key objectives. She highlighted Belize’s advancement in improving the management and security of firearms and ammunition through strategic initiatives, such as modernizing the Firearm and Ammunition Control Board’s operations, revising legislation, policies, and procedures, establishing rigorous national standards, implementing risk reduction processes, and enhancing inter-agency cooperation to prevent the diversion and misuse of ammunition.
“The exchange of ideas and best practices at this meeting have been invaluable,” said CEO Carr. “It underscores the importance of regional cooperation in addressing the complex challenges of conventional ammunition management. Belize remains dedicated to upholding the highest standards in this area and contributing to regional security and stability.”
Additionally, her appointment as the first female CEO of the Ministry, with responsibility for the Belize Police Department, and Chairperson of the Firearms and Ammunition Control Board, signifies Belize’s commitment to integrating gender perspectives into ammunition management practices, strengthening gender mainstreaming, and promoting women’s participation in this field. These efforts are critical for achieving overall security objectives.
The Ministry of Home Affairs plays a pivotal role in enhancing Belize’s security framework and collaborating with regional partners to achieve common goals in ammunition management. The Government of Belize’s ongoing work aligns with international standards and contributes to regional security through effective ammunition management practices.