Animation Bootcamp Award Ceremony in Northern Belize

Belmopan, January 17, 2025.

The Office of the Prime Minister and Ministry of Investment, through its Investment Policy and Compliance Unit (IPCU), in collaboration with the Taiwan Technical Mission and the National Women’s Commission, presented awards to 76 participants who completed the Animation Bootcamp in the Corozal, Orange Walk, and Belize Districts.

The Animation Bootcamp was hosted in Corozal Town from July 17 to July 26; in Belize City from July 5 to August 5; and in Orange Walk from August 8 to August 16. It comprised three in-person classes and three online. The primary objective of the bootcamp was to provide women with basic digital skills in graphic art and animation, enabling them to produce animated short films. The demand for these skills is growing across the Orange Economy in industries such as film, education, television, gaming, advertising, and marketing.

From the 76 participants, 19 women and girls entered the animation contest. Ms. Sogelyn Cabrera was awarded first place. Second place was shared by Ms. Ayanna Leslie and Ms. Inmaculada Sanchez, while Ms. Priscilla Acosta was awarded third place.

Present at the award ceremony were Hon. Kevin Bernard, Minister in the Ministry of Health and Wellness; H.E. Ms. Lily Li-Wen Hsu, Ambassador of Taiwan to Belize; Mrs. Narda Garcia, Chief Executive Officer in the Office of the Prime Minister, Investment, and Civil Aviation; Ms. Yu-Hsien Yeh, Division Chief of Latin American and Caribbean in Technical Cooperation

Department, TaiwanICDF; Mr. Yen-Chih Wang, Assistant Specialist of Latin American and Caribbean Division in Technical Cooperation Department, TaiwanICDF; Mrs. Thea Garcia-Ramirez, President of National Women’s Commission; Deputy Mayor Mr. Cadir Escalante of Orange Walk Town; Mr. Lincoln Blake, Director of IPCU; Ms. Seidi Quetzal, Foreign Service Officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; Ms. Jill Cai, Project Manager at Taiwan Technical Mission; and Mr. Jeavon Sanker, Animation Instructor, Creative Imageries Animation Studios.

The Investment Policy and Compliance Unit in the Office of the Prime Minister and Investment expresses gratitude to all partners for the successful implementation of the Animation Bootcamp. Through such initiatives, the Government of Belize is fostering economic activity and creating opportunities in the Orange Economy. A special thanks goes to the National Women’s Commission for their ongoing collaboration in developing skillbuilding programs for women and girls.


For more information, please contact:  

Investment, Policy & Compliance Unit

Ministry of Investment
