MOHW Commemorates Wellness Week 2021

Belmopan. September 27, 2021. 2:00 p.m. 

Wellness Week is commemorated annually in partnership with PAHO, CARPHA, and SICA and acts as a significant reminder of the powerful impact that personal habits and daily actions have on overall health and wellbeing. This year, Wellness Week is September 27 to October 1 under the theme “Seeking occupational health and wellbeing in times of COVID-19.”

This week’s activities are a call for organizations, both public and private sector entities, to strengthen support for staff and foster wellbeing to help prevent stress and create positive working environments. The ministry remains committed to raising awareness of the need to invest in the health of individuals.

Ministry of Health & Wellness data shows that the health of the population continues to be affected by non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. At the start of the pandemic, 60% of hospitalized cases for COVID-19 also had obesity as a co-morbidity, and the situation has not improved since. Persons with these pre-existing conditions, especially if older, are more likely to develop severe symptoms of COVID-19 than those without underlying conditions. Furthermore, COVID-19 has created stress, fear and frustration among all sectors of the population, particularly frontline workers in the health and security sectors.

The public is invited to join virtual zoom sessions highlighting important aspects of wellness and occupational health. These informative sessions are intended to serve as catalysts to promote healthy lifestyle choices and connect organizations to supportive networks to empower individuals to pursue healthy nutrition to strengthen immunity, increase physical movement to improve energy, enable better sleep to increase creativity, and foster a deeper sense of being present to enjoy peacefulness and a heightened sense of purpose.

To participate in the virtual zoom sessions throughout Wellness Week 2021, interested persons can visit the ministry’s Facebook page to access links and view the calendar of events for each day. The Ministry of Health & Wellness wishes all Belizeans a safe and enjoyable Wellness Week 2021!


For more information, contact:
Kathleen Azueta Cho
Technical Advisor, HECOPAB
Ministry of Health & Wellness