Cabinet Brief

Belmopan. 14th July 2021. 4:00 p.m.


The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 13th July 2021.


  • Cabinet received a report from Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture & Enterprise, on his recent bilateral meeting with Dr. Victor Manuel Villalobos Arambula, Secretary of Agriculture of Mexico. Successful discussions were held on a number of issues ranging from the restart of the exportation of shrimp to Mexico, expansion of cattle exports into Mexico, collaboration on the production of soy beans as well as the possibility of collaboration on pitahaya and soursop production for export and additional support for Belize’s coconut and citrus industries.


  • Hon. Michel Chebat, Minister of Health & Wellness, informed the Cabinet that as of Monday, 12th July 2021, 107,617 or 25% of Belizeans had received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and 39,463 or 9% had been fully vaccinated. In the first week of the new vaccination campaign, a record 19,111 persons were vaccinated.


  • After receiving an update on the number of new COVID-19 infections, Cabinet gave its approval to extend the lockdown in the southern villages of Barranco, Midway and Conejo until 31st July 2021.


  • Cabinet gave its approval for the upgrade of the water system in San Antonio Village in the Toledo District. This measure is being taken to meet current demand for water due to the number of residents in the village.


  • Cabinet approved the signing of the revised Constitutive Agreement of the Mundo Maya Organization and appointed Hon. Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism & Diaspora Relations, to sign the revised agreement on behalf of the Government.


  • Finally, Cabinet gave its approval for the Belize Intellectual Property Office (BELIPO) to adopt the Harmonized Database of acceptable goods and services for the classification of trademark applications.

