Statement by the Government of Belize on recent developments in Jerusalem

Belmopan. May 10, 2021. 4:35 p.m.

Belize is deeply concerned about the serious escalation of tensions in East Jerusalem which have been building over the few days.

Belize unequivocally condemns the violent confrontations and attacks against civilians at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound.

Belize urges Israel to refrain from advancing its provocative plan to forcibly evict Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem, which would be a flagrant violation of international and human rights law.

Belize further calls on Israel to respect the fundamental human rights of Palestinians and to affirm its respect for the status quo in East Jerusalem and at the holy sites in order to de-escalate tensions.

Belize reiterates its support for the Palestinian people and their right to establish an independent state based on the 1967 borders.
