Belize Postal Service Participates in Strategic Planning Workshop

Belmopan. March 12, 2021. 11:50 a.m.

The Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy and Logistics today hosted a one-day strategic planning workshop for senior officers at the Belize Postal Service.

The workshop, which was held at the National Emergency Management Organization conference room in Belmopan, aimed to:

· Review past financial performance of post offices,

· Establish new targets for the upcoming fiscal year,

· Finalize new strategic framework to enhance the operation of post offices,

· Brainstorm new strategies to improve customer satisfaction.

Hon. Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Public Utilities, Energy and Logistics, made opening remarks. Presentations were made by Mr. Marconi Leal Jr., Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry; Mr. James Gabriel, Post Master General; and the management team from the Belize Postal Service.

The Ministry thanks all participants for their contribution to the workshop and hopes that they have gained valuable knowledge which can effectively be applied in their line of duty to achieve the goals of the Belize Postal Service.
