Belize Maintains Tier 2 Status on US Trafficking in Persons Report

Belmopan, June 24, 2024. 

The Government of Belize is pleased to announce that the country has maintained its Tier 2 status on the U.S. Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report for the year 2024. This status is a testament to Belize’s ongoing efforts to combat human trafficking and protect victims.

The Tier 2 ranking acknowledges Belize’s substantial efforts to comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. The Government recognises the complexities of this global issue and is committed to continuous improvement and comprehensive strategies to tackle human trafficking within its borders. The report acknowledges Belize’s efforts in convicting two traffickers, the increase in the identification of victims, as well as an increase in trafficking investigations.

The Government of Belize was further recognised for its cooperation with foreign law enforcement officials, which resulted in the arrest and conviction of a trafficker. The report also acknowledges Belize’s continued sensitisation campaigns, which, during this reporting period, provided awareness training to liquor licensing board members.

The Government of Belize, while noting the concerns and prioritized recommendations raised by the report, reaffirms its dedication to eradicating human trafficking and calls upon all citizens, organisations, and international partners to continue to collaborate in this critical fight.
