GCF Continues to Support Climate Resiliency Development in Belize

Belmopan. February 21, 2023.

The Ministry of Economic Development (MED), as Belize’s National Designated Authority (NDA) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), and the Climate Finance Unit (CFU), announce that the GCF has approved a grant of BZ$2,974,060 for its Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme Proposal for “Enabling Activities for the Formulation and Implementation of a Multisectoral National Adaptation Plan for Belize.”

National Adaptation Plans (NAPS) give a holistic view of a country’s gaps and immediate needs to adapt to climate change. Capitalizing on the expertise of accredited entities to the GCF, the NDA for Belize used a phased approach to develop three NAPS: Fisheries and Coastal Zone, Water, and the Multisectoral.

The Multisectoral NAP will guide the future development for i) land use, human settlement and infrastructure, ii) tourism, iii) human health, iv) agriculture and v) forestry. It will also contribute to Belize meeting international requirements and national targets of the Nationally Determined Contribution and the National Climate Change Policy and Strategy Master Plan by enabling the country to strategically address climate change adaptation through capacity development, knowledge transfer, and improved adaptation planning.

Furthermore, the Multisectoral NAP will focus on:

  • Building capacities for the five priority sectors to strengthen their climate resilience;
  • Developing a detailed impact, vulnerability and risk assessment of the five priority sectors;
  • Developing a social and gender assessment to guide the sectors’ integration into climate change adaptation;
  • Developing a monitoring and evaluation learning system; and
  • Developing concept notes for climate financing.

In total, Belize has received BZ$6,000,00 for NAPS support.

As the delivery partner, the Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT) will be responsible for implementing the project, with support from the MED and the National Climate Change Office (NCCO) as the lead entities.

Dr. Osmond Martinez, CEO in the Ministry of Economic Development and Belize’s National Designated Authority, reiterated his gratitude to PACT – an instrumental delivery partner –  and also to key persons who were contributory to putting together the proposal: Ms. Hunter Hales, Proposal Development Officer for the Climate Finance Unit at the MED; Mr. Eli Romero, Project Development Officer at PACT; Mrs. Johanna Noble, Climate Change Officer for Adaptation at the NCCO; and Ms. Cara Tobin, GCF Consultant.



For more information, please contact:

Dr. Osmond Martinez

Chief Executive Officer & NDA to GCF

Ministry of Economic Development



Mr. Carlos Pol

Director, Climate Finance Unit

Ministry of Economic Development



Mr. Leroy Martinez

GCF Focal Point

Ministry of Economic Development
