MOHW Advisory on Treating Drinking Water

Belmopan. October 12, 2022. 10:10 a.m.    

Due to flooding caused by the passing of remnants of Hurricane Julia over the weekend, drinking water sources in many areas of the country have become unsafe. These may include municipal water systems (BWS), rural water systems, wells and those stored in water tanks and vats. Affected water may appear dark in color, has an odor, or has floating fragments.

All sources used for drinking, cooking or bathing should be treated to make safe by one of the following methods:

  • Bleach (Clorox):
  1. a)Add one tablespoon of bleach to five gallons of water.
  2. b)Mix the bleach and water completely and leave to stand for 30 minutes before using.


  • Boil drinking water:
  1. a)Place water in a pot and heat until it comes to a rolling boil. Boil for one minute.
  2. b)Remove from the stove to cool and store in a clean covered container to prevent contamination.
  • Purification tablets (if available):
  1. a)Add water purification tablets according to directions on the package.
  2. b)Let water stand for the treatment time and then store safely.

The public is encouraged to be safe during this time. The ministry will continue to monitor the flooding situation and notify the public when water sources are safe to drink and used for other purposes.

For more information, please contact the nearest public health office.
