Signing of Third-Party Responsible Agreement

Signing of Third-Party Responsible Agreement

Belmopan. June 29, 2022. 4:00 p.m.

The Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management along with the Forest Department signed the “Third-Party Responsible Agreement” with Corozal Sustainable Future Initiative (CSFI) and Ya’axche Conservation Trust (YCT). The purpose of the agreement is to support the implementation of the project entitled Enhancing Jaguar Corridors and Strongholds through Improved Management and Threat Reduction.

CSFI is the Forest Department’s primary partner in managing the North-Eastern Biological Corridor. They will be responsible for implementing component two of the project entitled Wildlife-Friendly Economy, which will establish a response team for wildlife–jaguar conflict. It will also support the efforts of the project to engage with local communities in the development of wildlife-friendly economic activities. CSFI will provide technical backstopping for the implementation of component two and will be directly responsible for the implementation of US$244,213.

YCT will play a key role, in partnership with the Forest Department, as a responsible party under component three entitled Combatting Wildlife Crime and Unsustainable Hunting in six communities in the Southern Biological Corridor, specifically within the Mayan Golden Landscape. YCT has had a long-term presence in the Southern Biological Corridor where activities related to sustainable hunting will take place. They will provide technical backstopping for the implementation of this component and will be directly responsible for the implementation of US$155,213.

The Enhancing Jaguar Corridors and Strongholds through Improved Management and Threat Reduction project is a 36-month project funded by the Global Environment Facility and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme. The total cost of this project is US$11,348,404.



For more information, please contact:

Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management

Tel: +501-828-9056


Ground Floor, The Green Building
2257 Hummingbird Highway
Belmopan, Cayo, Belize